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Barren CrossBIOGRAPHYBarren Cross (1985-1990, 1994, 2008-present): a Christian Metal band from Los Angeles, California, USA. S tarted life in 1984 Barren Cross was opened by guitarist and vocalist Ray Parris and Steve Whitaker (drums), who in turn recruited Mickey Dee (guitar/vocals) and Jim La Verde (bass/guitar/vocals) at a time when most people thought that christian metal began and ended with Stryper and the whole movement was still very much in its infancy. In stark contrast to the other christian heavy metal acts like Guardian or Stryper, Barren Cross played with a lyrical conviction previously reserved only for those announcing the conquests of Satan and the like. In 1985 Barren Cross released the self-financed debut Believe, which was enough to grab the attention of US based cChristian record label 'Starsong' to release their follow-up, Rock For the King (1986). Although it failed to chart significantly they were nonetheless improving for 'Enigma' came calling to release their more melodic effort Atomic Arena (1987) the next year. Their music reflected more of the style of Judas Priest proving they didn't have to be poppy to be christian, but that music taste was clearly not reflected among their more secular listeners. State of Control (1989) would be their first trans-Atlantic release, followed closely by Barren Cross's first live effort, Hotter Than Hell (1990). For the moment this was we last heard of Barren Cross until they reformed in 1994 on an independent label to release what would become their swansong in 1994, titled Rattle Your Cage. Read All... ⏬ Barren Cross remained silent until 2008 when they returned to release a couple of compilations along with a second live attempt with Birth Pangs (2013). Read Less... ⏫
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