The artist description page (also known as the 'Artist Biography') is where the 'action' on Diskery happens. This is where you learn the history and news on a band or performer. The text follows the RRCA formatting standard where artists names are highlighted and albums are also bold highlighted and italicized, individual songs and events are italicized only, while record labels are single quoted. Abbreviations and initials such as 'D.O.A.' or 'U.K.' have had their 'dots' removed for ease and consistency of data entry and appear as 'DOA' and "UK", as two examples. The remainder of text follows standard English editing. Each description page follows the exact same pattern.
These pages are updated when possible (so few staff and so many artists to update) but are accurate up to the last point of editing.
Selection List:
The Artist Selection List appears when you type 'ALL' or "*" into the search prompt, or you enter a selection that generates multiple hits.
Artist Dashboard:
The 'Artist Dashboard' table appears after the artist biographical description but before the 'See Also' feature. All artist articles will feature one, but not all fields will be filled in; only those which we know will be provided.
Each field is self explanatory:
- Nation: Identifies the nationality of the artist. This is where the band FIRST performed/came from originally.
- Location: Denotes what town/city/village the band originated (or currently operates) from. This field often will include state (province) or other political district information as well; it displays as much as was inputted and may contain any combination of these.
- Promotional Address: Last known address for media or fans to contact them at (be aware this is not updated regularly, so use at your own risk).
- Genre: The style of music they play. Clicking on this will launch a sub-set of the help files describing the genre.
- Formations: The number of times the band has started/re-started. Minimum is 1 by default.
- Status: Is this band currently performing. Can be one of {Not Active}, {Active}, {On Hold}, {Unknown}. {On Hold} means the act is expected to return to {Active} at some future date.
- Web: Their band website. Use this with caution as we updated it periodically when we find out. If you click on this, you will be taken to the band's website.
- Active Years: The year(s) the band operated. If no closing year is listed (just a dash mark) it means they are still active. If only a year with no dash, it means only one year of activity is noted.
- E-Mail: The band's last known e-mail contact address (if known). Use this with caution as we update it periodically.
- Last Modified: This information should be taken with a grain of salt. It signals when the last time a writer/editor worked on the article, but this 'work' may not mean actual writing: it could have been a minor change in spelling/punctuation or an automated robotic general database maintenance.
- Artist ID: The current file code that can be used for direct searches in the database. The new code has no relation to the old.

Artists Linked...:
The 'Linked With...' (formerly known as: 'See Also Table') is a feature that highlights artists mentioned in the current artist's article. It will match those highlighted in the text article. It acts as a sort of 'dashboard', or 'at-a-glance', feature that allows you to quickly navigate to other artists you might find of interest related to this article in some way. It acts as an express route through the database to the new article.
Record #: 34