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Psychopunch VST


Psychopunch VST (1997-present): a Punk band from Stockholm, Sweden.


ormer front man of the classic punk rock act TNT, J.M. (vocals/guitar), and Joey had been talking about putting a band together for some time. Sometime in January 1998 they all got together to make it happen. The still unnamed act would practice TNT and Wild Bunch songs to start, but within a short time were writing their own material. Within a few days they had some original music, and their name Psychopunch vst. ("vst" meaning Vasteras the Swedish Industrial town where they lived) came to be eventually settling on the membership of Magnus Henriksson (of-Eclipse; guitar), Jocke (drums), Patrik "Walle" Wallert (guitar) and J.M (vocals/guitar).

In early 1999, Psychopunch released their premier album, We Are Just As Welcome As Holy Water In Satan's Drink, and a brief tour of Germany, Belgium, France and Switzerland ensued before embarking on their second opus Bursting Out Of Chucky's Town (2000). It was this second opus that saw them trying to capture the original vintage punk rock style of Generation X, The Dead Boys, etc. Indeed, the album did catch some of that spirit, but lacked some of the honesty of the era; it came across as contrived. The next outing, Original Scandinavian Superdudes (2001), attempted to correct that. Since then, The Pleasure Kill (2002), Smashed On Arrival (2004), Kamikaze Love Reducer (2006), Moonlight City (2008), Death By Misadventure (2009), The Last Goodbye (2010), Smakk Valley (2013) and Sweet Baby Octane (2015) would follow.

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