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Vardis (1977-1986, 2014-present): a NWOBHM band from Wakefield, UK.


riginally Vardis started out under the name Quo Vardis by guitarist and vocalist Steve Zodiac along with Alan Selway (bass) and Gary Pearson (drums) as a heavier, harder version of Status Quo. After the one-off single 100 M.P.H. (1979) for the 'Red Ball' imprint, they dropped the "Quo" from their name and began to amass a following in the NWOBHM scene with Zodiac as the centerpiece. After a second single, the act was signed to the 'Logo' label to release their debut live album, also titled 100 M.P.H. (1980). The debut was a live affair showcasing their stage personas and sound, something they had been receiving acclaim over for some time. Live performances was indeed their survival tactic for constant touring ensued, even performing with Hawkwind and recording a pop-ish version of their Silver Machine, a track that appeared on Vardis' follow-up album, The World's Insane (1981). A set of EPs titled Promo E.P., All You'll Ever Need (1981 both), as well as Vardis Live EP (1982) and The Lion's Share (1983) followed.

By the time their third set, Quo Vardis (1982), came they were loosing momentum. Terry Horbury (ex-Dirty Tricks) took over from Selway for their last sets the Vigilante (1986) and an EP of the same name that same year. Two compilations were released posthumously, The Best of Vardis (1997) and The World's Gone Mad: The Best of Vardis 2-CD Anthology (2001).

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In 2014 Vardis would reform under the membership of Steve Zodiac (Real Name: Stephen John Hepworth; vocals/guitars), Martin Connolly (bass) and Joe Clancy (drums) to release 200 M.P.H. EP (2015) and Red Eye (2016) and the live set 100 M.P.H. @ 100 Club (2021) followed.

Footnote: Do not confuse this Vardis with the dance group who released the Past And Present single.

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