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Slaughtbbath (2002-present): a Black Metal band from San Vicente de Tagua Tagua, Chile.


fter their founding in 2002, black metal band Slaughtbbath would launch a set of demos starting with the aptly titled Rehearsal (2003) under the membership of P. Skullshredder (Real Name: Felipe Ramirez; guitars), D. Desecrator (Real Name: Daniel Corcuera; vocals (lead)), C.M. Butcher (bass) and Apolyun (drums).

The demos The Unholy Wrath of the Sacrilegious Reprisal (2005), Raising the Chalice of Blasphemy (2006), No cesa el tronar del cañón/Rehearsal MMVI (split; 2006) and Pest of Execration (2007), Blood for the Devil (split; 2008), Furious as the Black Flames of Hell (2008) and Furious as the Black Flames of Hell/The Anguish's Doomaelstrom (split; 2008) followed, with Negro (Real Name: Hernán Ortúzar; drums), O. Wolfscariot (Real Name: Oscar I. Orellana; bass) also respectively as they progressed.

Finally in 2010 with the band as the three-some Daniel Desecrator, Negro and P. Skullshredder, the Total Warlust EP arrived, along with a split with Vultur. This line-up remained for the first full length, Hail to Fire (2013). This line-up had seemed to settle in for several other splits, two compilations, and their sophomore album, Alchemical Warfare (2019). Another split followed in 2022.

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L to R: P. Skullshredder, Negro and Daniel Desecrator of Slaughtbbath.
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