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Punky Meadows


Punky Meadows (1950-present): a Glam Metal band from Washington, D.C., USA.


unky Meadows (Full Name: Edwin Lionel Meadows, Jr.; born February 6, 1950) is an American guitarist known for his glam image as a member of the band Angel from 1975-1981. During his time performing he was also a member of The Intruders (1964-1965), The English Setters (1965-1967), The Cherry People (1967-1972) and BUX (1972-1974). As a soloist he released a single album, Fallen Angel (2016) with himself on lead guitar and rhythm guitar, as well as Danny Farrow (rhythm guitar/vocals), Felix Robinson (bass guitar), Chandler Mogel (lead vocals), Bob Pantella (drums) and Charlie Calv (keyboards).

The Cherry People formed during the British Invasion of 1964 and changed their name from The Intruders to The English Setters to The Cherry People. From 1964 to 1972 the band revolved around founding members Chris Grimes, Doug Grimes and Punky Meadows, with a number of personnel changes taking place from 1972 until the band's demise in June 1975.

Later he formed The English Setters, a The Beatles-sounding band that opened for the Yardbirds, Neil Diamond and The Young Rascals, all while he was still in high school. In 1967, The English Setters changed their sound and changed their name to The Cherry People, and were later signed to a record deal by 'Heritage Records'.

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After The Cherry People disbanded, Meadows and Mickie Jones formed Daddy Warbux (later shortened to BUX) to release one album. Angel, his next and most famous act, formed after the two met Gregg Giuffria, then Barry Brandt and Frank Dimino; choosing the name "Angel" after the song by Jimi Hendrix, whom Meadows was a fan.

The band possessed a strong glam image that was said to be the antithesis of Kiss, while Meadows himself became the most strongly associated with the glam persona, so much so that Frank Zappa ridiculed his trademark pout and hair in the song Punky's Whips. Meadows had retired from the music business, and for 13 years owned and ran a tanning salon in Oakton, Virginia. In 2016 he returned from retirement to release the solo album Fallen Angel (2016).

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