

Solstice (1990-1993, 1995-1997, 2000, 2006-present): a Thrash Metal band from Miami, Florida, USA.


he act was formed in 1990 by future Cannibal Corpse and Malevolent Creation guitarist Rob Barrett (ex-(Eulogy/HatePlow), Alex Marquez (drums; ex-(Demolition Hammer/Dethroned/Hellwitch/Hypgnostic/Malevolent Creation/The Mortuary Society/Thrash or Die)) and Dennis Munoz (guitars; ex-Demolition Hammer). After their 1991 demo got them a deal with 'Steamhammer', and adding member Mark van Erp on bass, their self-titled followed in 1992.

Garret Scott (bass) and Christian Rudes (guitars/vocals) would be the new members to note for their sophomore effort, Pray (1995) due to the departure of Barrett and Marquez for Malevolent Creation that caused the band to split in 1993 and reform in 1995 only to split again in 1997.

After the reformation in 2000 and then in 2006, Brian Harris (drums) would be the newest recruit for To Dust (2009). There would be a long break with only demos to show until 2021 and the release of Casting the Die under the modified membership of Alex Marquez (drums), Dennis Munoz (guitars), Ryan Taylor (vocals/guitars) and Marcel Salas (bass).

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