Heart and Stone


Heart and Stone (1989-1997, 2001-present): a Hard Rock band from Woodbridge, Ontario, Canada.


ocalsist Tony Anton was the founder of Heart & Stone in the fall of 1989. Recruiting the services of Marcel (guitar), Mark Racanelli (drums) and Aurelio Romano (bass), they would, over the course of the next seven years, perform relentlessly for their fans. In 1995 their debut, Eternity, was released to enthusiastic radio stations in Europe and Canada, including a video for Ocean Blue on Canada's Much Music network. Two years later they followed the album up with Legacy Of Stone with Joe Polito replacing Marcel on guitars. The new disc faced much the same success as the first culminating in some 20,000 units sold for their first two releases with no record contract. But that lack of mainstream support saw the demise of the act shortly later.

Tony Anton, however, was not daunted and assembled a new line-up to release the aptly titled Love IV rock & Roll (2003), an album that served to start the act up again by reflecting much of the spirit of the first album. Slapping on some leather and featuring Sil (drums), Dave (guitar), Barry (bass) and himself on vocals, they went about their return. The line-up would change again to feature Darcy (bass), Sil (drums), John (guitars), Bashar (guitars) and Tony Anton (vocals). There has been no recordings since.

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