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Dominion (2002-2009): a Thrash Metal band from Hoorn, Netherlands.


he Dutch version of Dominion started in the summer of 2002 from the ashes of the Dutch black metal band In Ruins. At the start, the band consisted of only two members. Marc van der Bos on guitar and vocals, and Boudewijn Minneboo on bass, with Björn Hylkema (ex-Necrovile) who had left the position very early on. Marcus and Bjorn knew each other from former experience in Saga Inferna. Just before their first show the drummer (Minneboo) decided to leave the band, he stuck around long enough to complete his first and final show with them. After a short period of searching, new drummer Robert arrived, a drummer new to the thrash metal scene, keeping the band as a three-piece. Inspired by the music of Megadeth, Overkill, Destruction (Germany), Kreator and Testament they would release their debut ...of Hate in 2004. Psychotic (2007) would follow. The band split in 2009.

Do not confuse this band with the Swedish, Filipino, UK or American band of the same name.

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