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Plasma PoolBiographyPlasma Pool (1990-present): a Black Metal band from Budapest, Hungary. F ormed back in 1989 by Lazslo Kuli (drums), Istvan Zilahy (synthesizeresizeresizerisizer) and Attila Csihar (ex-Mayhem/ex-Tormentor/ex-Aborym; vocals) Plasma Pool would be considered the first band to successfully merge black metal with EBM styling in the pubs of Budapest before releasing I - Plasma Pool (1997). The act would take a hiatus in 1994 and 1998 respectively before releasing II - Drowning (1999), The Beast of Attila Csihar compilation (2003) and Ezoterror (2004). The III -- Sinking, however, would be unreleased. Dashboard for Plasma Pool
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