

Summoning (1993-present): a Black Metal band from Austria.


tarting as a trio in 1993 with the membership of Michael Gregor (a.k.a. Silenius; vocals/keyboards/bass), Richard Lederer (a.k.a. Protector; keyboards/guitars) and Alexander Trondl (a.k.a. Trifixion; drums) with the intention on performing black metal. Indeed, black metal was on the menu for their debut Lugburz in 1995. But after the departure of Trifixion the remaining two continued on with a more majestic ambient musical score with raspy black metal lyrics derived from Lord Of The Rings on Minas Morgul (1996), Dol Guldur (1996), Nightshade Forests (1997), Stronghold (1999), Let Mortal Heroes Sing Your Fame (2001) and the EPs Lost Tales (2003), Of Pale White Morns and Darkened Eves (2013) and As Echoes from the World of Old (2018) as well as the album With Doom We Come (2018).

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