Seizure Crypt


Seizure Crypt (2004-present): a Speed Metal band from New York, New York, USA.


tarting in 2004 Seizure Crypt have relentlessly pounded the New York area with their unique blend of punk meets thrash metal dubbed metalcore. After completing two tours of the area titled Bring Your Sh*t and F*ck Pay To Play respectively, they took a few months off.During this downtime they revamped their roster to what we see by the time their 2005 City of New York release emerged, featuring Tom Reardon (vocals, guitar, bass), Doug Williamson (drums, percussion) and Juan Rodriguez (classical guitar); the album itself being produced in under a week. The disc expressed an obvious low budget garage style but managed to maintain a modicum of class, humor, hardcore beats and punk rock angst. Future releases City of New York (2005), Hello, My Name Is... Madness (2007), Under the Gun (2008) and You've Been Had! (2012) would feature guest musicians noncontributing to various parts: Mike S.O.S. (vocals), and friend Jim Benton (banjo).

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