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Navigating the Website

Odd Displaying Website

Blue Question Mark

The Diskery website is "Responsive", this means that it is designed to allow your device to modify its text and images to render better on your screen. Sadly, there are so many different screen types out there that it is impossible to fit them all and some users will be forced to shift the video up and down, left and right to see it all - this is normal. If you are using 'enabling software' such as screen readers that translate the text to voice, magnifying software or non-standard/proprietary web browsers or settings, you may also experience this problem and there is not much we can do about this other than to advise you to view Diskery at 100% magnification, the rest is up to your device. For best viewing of Diskery use what our programmer uses: Desktop computer with large video monitor at 100%/default magnification. Diskery is tested and optimized to work with Firefox, Edge, and Chrome browsers.

File record #: 48

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Diskery Logo with random City buildings in shadow