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Legal Notices

Use of Our Works

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The material posted here at Diskery is held under copyright and it is forbidden to use this material without expressed written permission. Be advised that not all material is owned by Diskery, however, and that material, which is not in the public domain or uses a public license (such as Creative Commons), you will have to seek permission of those owners separately. Diskery staff will not help you contact these owners; the onus is on you to conduct the appropriate research. In the case of Public Licenses we post the credits and sources, where known, as per the license allowance.

Other than the material Diskery does not own, you may use Diskery material without expressed license if:

  • You are a student actively engaged in a research/homework assignment (i.e. writing a term paper).
  • You are a teacher using material for purposes of education in your classroom/lab/studio.
  • You are a public or school/college library or museum providing the information FREE OF CHARGE to patrons/students.
If you fit these categories, you may use material which Diskery owns without license fee or permission provided you use academically accepted accreditation procedures for the works used and you do not edit the material in any way. Be advised, however, you may not bulk copy large segments of the database. Be also advised that Diskery or the owners, unless expressly forbidden by law or license, may revoke these permissions - your license should be considered for a ONE TIME USE.

Under local law, media (Press, TV, Radio) has an automatic percentage of use allowance, however, we encourage you to use this with caution and only what is absolutely necessary to report your story. The allowance permission changes nation-to-nation so be very wary. Diskery does allow radio personalities (such as DJs) to use the WRITTEN (text) material (which we own) as a part of historical context to the music they play without advanced permission so long as they cite as their source during their broadcast.

With respect to CC (Creative Commons) material, the CC license will only be valid for the used material, as per it's license but not the rest of the collected work. So, for example, if we use a photo of an artist that is under a particular license (like CC), that photo is regulated and distributed under that license where-as the rest of the article may not be. The article itself should not be considered a part of the used material, only the material itself.

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