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About Diskery

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Diskery 'Lexicon' Database Application 2.2.5
Programmed by: Derek McDonald.
Software: Copyright 'Diskery Project Consortium'.
Text & Selected Images: Copyright 'Diskery Project Consortium'.

Although Diskery may look old, it's actually stuffed full of modern technology!

Quite simply, Diskery is a massive and impressive database. Diskery is able to store, on 64bit processors, approximately 18,446,744,073,709,551,615 (18+ Quintillion) individual records (or 256TB maximum space, whichever is exceeded first). A way has been discovered to 'bank switch' the databases so those numbers can be expanded, theoretically, into infinity or when forced to use 32bit processors. Realistically, however, that number is pie-in-the-sky (unrealistic) because some records use multiple entries in order to compile the information for display, more realistically the number is closer to: 5,000,000,000,000,000,000, (5+ Quintillion) give or take a few million...

Through the internet provider, Diskery has access to a server offering unlimited transmission and storage space. In a pinch there is access to a secondary provider as well.

The database contents, the application and the database structure itself were all written right here, by Derek McDonald, a 5-time published author of both fiction and non-fiction works, degree holder in both Business and Information Systems Management with knowledge of 22 computer languages and several database formats. The site is developed and operated on Dell Vostro servers using both Windows and Linux with Apache Server software. The design and testing featured no outsourcing, university think-tanks, or government complexes.

This site has the ability to record IP addresses accessing it which may include counter measures to circumvent VPN configurations that attempt to obscure such information.

Notwithstanding the internal cataloging numbers, date-stamps and other internal administrative and auditing data stored within, each record can hold:

  • A list of all band members present and past for each artist/band listed with dates of birth, date of entry and departure to the group, and photograph
  • Full artist discography with dates of publications, recording format, recording label, album cover photos, award certifications and chart positions
  • Full band/artist biography, as large as needed
  • Band formation date/termination date and number of reformations
  • Band/artist photographs & logo
  • Links to media content (video/audio) - and storage internally if needed
  • Links to artist official website
  • Genre type (and and description there-of)
  • E-commerce and promotional sponsor information, links and logos
  • List of all affiliated groups and those mentioned in band biography with links to their entry in database if it exists
  • City, country, country flag and address of each band/artist
  • Old and new file codes
  • A full user help manual on-line
  • A list of all flags and nations and genres supported


Diskery actually consists of two databases, one that handles the help system and the other (main one) that handles all of the above. The web pages are not 'skins', but are created dynamically/programmically based on the information contained within each database record. Needless to say, Diskery is bespoke and does not use applications like Wordpress, or any other file management system.

The website is adaptive to the size of the user's screen, most especially on mobile devices and uses data compaction and correction systems to speed up processing and transmission.

HTML5, CSS3, PHP, MySQL and Javascript are the code backbone to the Diskery website. Encryption is handled via SSL. Diskery runs on an Apache using Linux as it's operating system with MySQL as the core database technology. PHP and HTML round out the application component of the software.

Diskery also features rudimentary "Artificial Intelligence" called AISE, although scholars may argue how deep that definition goes, the program is able to decipher scrambled and missing text, choose actions based on the search input, modify input as needed, systematically search the database, make basic assumptions based on the input given, correct spelling, (and more) to help increase the chances of a successful information finding in an effort to forgive us humans for typographical errors and forgetfulness we commonly make.

The Diskery application programs themselves can be reprogrammed to broadcast whatever information/product the operator desires, music or otherwise. Eventually it is planned that the Diskery applications could be reprogrammed by means of a configuration file/application.

A fully functioning simulator has been developed that allows testing the program before changes are launched to the public.

Diskery is the name of the site/brand.
Lexicon (Lex) is the name of the application software that operates the site.
AISE is the "AI"/thinkng component of Lexicon.

There are many more items not mentioned above, but you get the idea. Also note, not all features are yet implemented.

File record #: 2

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Diskery Logo with random City buildings in shadow