Who Founded Diskery? Computer Programmer, Entrepreneur, and Author Derek McDonald
Where is Diskery located? Burlington, Ontario, Canada
When Was Diskery founded? Diskery.com was launched in September of 1999, however, previous to that it existed as a non registered entity (as a project connected to another website) since 1997.
Is Diskery for sale? No. And no part of it may be separated.
There is a 'Diskery' and 'The Diskery' are you related? No. 'Diskery' (Diskery.com) is located in Canada and is a museum to hard rock music. 'The Diskery' is a record shop in England. We have no relation with each other.
How is Diskery financed? Its founder, royalties earned from its technology, donations, on-line sales, advertising in that order.
How do I advertise on Diskery? Contact Google Adsense. Diskery does not directly accept advertising contracts.
How do I get my band listed at Diskery? Visit our Help knowledge base: BUSINESS OPERATIONS > HOW TO GET YOUR BAND LISTED
Is there a physical building I can visit? Not anymore - we are strictly on-line.
Where does your collections come from? Public and internal
A band I want to research is not listed. Why? Diskery is not a search engine. It only lists what is its database therefore someone has to enter it.
How much does Diskery depend on ads? Less than 1% and we plan to keep this number low.
I'm a radio DJ and like to talk of band histories, can I use content? Yes! But only spoken text. As long as you cite your source as www.diskery.com during your broadcast.
How do I license material for my use found at Diskery? Go to our help knowledgebase: LEGAL NOTICES > USE OF OUR WORKS
I'm a developer and want make my app access Diskery via API? Yes! Visit our Help knowledge base: NAVIGATING THE WEBSITE > CONNECTING APPS TO DISKERY
What are Diskery's Hours? 24/7 365 days per year.
Does Diskery sell music? No. Not since 2013.
Does Diskery sell merchadise? No. But we are working on it. Come back soon.
What music does Diskery support? Rock, Classic Rock, Hard Rock, Punk, Heavy Metal, Indistrial, Goth, and sub-genres. We'd do more but we don't have the staff.
Why doesn't Diskery sell concert tickets? We used to. But due to the unethical and monopolistic methods of certain companies (nameless) we stopped.
Does Diskery support indie bands? Yes!
What compliance regulations does Diskery subscribe to? CPRA, GDPR, EPD, ARIA