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RagnarokBIOGRAPHYRagnarok (1994-present): a Black Metal band from Sarpsborg, Norway. N orwegian black metal act Ragnarok delivered everything that style demanded, including corpse paint and heavy anti-Christian lyrics boasting an old-school feel much in the likes of Marduk and Dark Funeral. Under the first membership of Thyme (Real Name: Dag Ronny "Dæskis" Hansen; vocals), Rym (Real Name: Øyvind Trindborg; guitar), Jerv (Real Name: Tom Richardsen; R.I.P.: 2017; bass) and Jontho (a.k.a. John Thomas Bratland; drums), they would release their debut Nattferd in 1995. Arising Realm (1997) saw Shagrath arrive on keyboards but was gone again for the follow-up Diabolical Age (2000). Their next effort, In Nomine Satanas (2002), with Lord Arcamous (Real Name: Christer Evensen) taking over vocals from Tyme as well as taking on some guitar duties, boasted solid production and professionalism considered above average for the style. Hoest (Real Name: Ørjan Stedjeberg) would take over vocals thereafter. Blackdoor Miracle (2002) would follow. Read All... ⏬ When Collectors of the King arrived in 2010 a whole new line-up appeared with drummer Jontho as the only remaining member. HansFyrste (vocals), Brigge (guitars) and DezeptiCunt (Real Name: Svein-Ivar Sarassenbass) had now filled all other slots. Brigge would be replaced by Bolverk (Real Name: Thomas Hansen), however, when the next album, Malediction (2012), arrived. That album would also see Jontho rename himself, Jontho Panthera. Malignant (Real Name: Daniel Minge) would assume drums for Psychopathology (2016). That same year would see the release of Psychopathology 1994-2016: Collection of the History boxed set and Chaos and Insanity Between 1994-2004 compilation. Read Less... ⏫
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