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Blood CovenantBIOGRAPHYBlood Covenant (2001-present): a Unblack Metal band from Yerevan, Armenia. T his version of Blood Covenant arose from Armenia in 2001 originally named Iron Cross to perform symphonic black metal centering on Christian themes (a.k.a. unblack metal) featuring Garegin Amyan (drums, bass, keyboards), Segør Erskine (vocals, guitars), Avag (bass) and Dave (vocals) as members. Within a year that membership would begin to change with Ashot taking over vocals in 2002. Later, Arbi Davudi (guitars), Andrew Mailyan (bass), Gurgen Khazaryan (keyboards), Narek Onanyan (guitars), Hasmik Minasaryan (keyboards) and Mark Erskine (guitars) would be members, with Vazgen Kondakhchyan (vocals (clean); 2010-), Karen Petrosyan (drums) and David Sargsyan (vocals (clean)) as live performers to release The Day of Lord (2003), Blood of the New Covenant (2007), At the Cross Single (2009),Sign of Time (2011) and Sodomic Error Single (2015). Footnote: Do not confuse this band from the one with India.
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