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The SeventhBIOGRAPHYThe Seventh (1998-present): a Death Metal band from Heist-op-den-Berg, Antwerp, Belgium. D eath metal band The Seventh, not to be confused with the 1970s rock band of the same name from Syracuse, New York, USA that released the one-off The Seven in 1970, started in 1998 by guitarist brothers Brad V. and Gerhard V. (yes just "V") and new member Tony van den Eynde (a.k.a. Tony T.; drums) behind the kit. Within a short period bass player Peter Weyns (a.k.a. Pete W.) and vocalist d'Avignon joined the band; the latter was replaced after a few gigs by Tim De Ridder. After a period of growing, improving and writing, the first material was released upon the masses in April 2005. Although it was only a self financed mini-album, its 6 tracks received good critics in the media. As a result, Only Blackness Radiates EP (2005) sold out in no time. That same year, the band had the honor to share the stage with well-known bands as God Dethroned (NL), Summon (US) and Belgian metal acts Axamenta, Emeth, Fleshmould, Lemuria, Grinning Ghoul, Caducity, Herfst and many more. The future was looking bright for The Seventh, but then the band got knocked down by terrible news. In October 2005 bass player Pete W. decided to end his own life. A few months later, they found a new bass player in the person of Gert Onsia. At the end of 2006 The Seventh decided to limit the amount of live shows for 6 months in order to focus on writing material for the upcoming full album that would subsequently be released on 'Shiver Records' in late 2007 in the form of Cursed Earth Wasteland.
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