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Arida VortexBIOGRAPHYArida Vortex (1997-present): a Power Metal band from Moscow, Russia. G uitarist Roman Guryev founded Arida Vortex in the spring of 1997. He and classmate Dima Sinyavsky (guitar) started searching for other musicians soon after. By October only a singer had been found giving their style a sort of power metal feel. The membership problems, however, were becoming a serious handicap when Sinyavsky left to attend university. Roman Guryev was speaking with his brother Ivan Guryev one day after and while discussing matters of life a revelation occurred after the second shot of vodka and his brother was recruited to assume the vacant guitar role. But filling the remaining roles proved a problem when all that was offered was wannabe's and amateurs. So after a drinking spree and several ads for musicians a reply came in late 1998 from Oleg Bondarenko who's thick south-Russian/Ukrainian accent was heard over the phone just in time. He was leaving his hometown to escape the military draft and had a reputation of being a good drummer in his former outfit Reich. Indeed, their luck was holding and a bassist and singer were found soon after, solidifying the line-up to brothers Roman Guryev (guitar) and Ivan Guryev (guitar) with Oleg Bondarenko (drums), Eugeny Tikhonov (bass/vocals) and Andrey "Andy Vortex" Lobashev; vocals) to debut on 26 June 1998 at the Diamond Club. Read All... ⏬ After more drinking on the subsequent days that followed it was decided they were not happy with the singing so Tikhonov took over the duties temporarily but by December the drummer left town and never returned by borrowing 100 bucks from Tikhonov under the impression it was for the purchase of double pedals; the truth was, he couldn't stay in town due to the Russian system that required one to maintain a job in their new town in order to register as living there, so he went back home. Again the long search for a drummer started. Anton Smolyanin was located to assume the job, found via advertizements. After Andy "Vortex" Lobashev was found to take up the vocals they could finally get down to making music and all throughout 2000, they were playing in Moscow clubs like Svalka, R-Club, U-2, InToyo, and Rasputnik. Andrey Sedletskiy would assume guitars in time for their debut 12-track album release Evil Sorcery while Denis Popov later joined the band in the autumn as full-time bassist. Soon after Andrey Sedletsky (ex-The Arrow) replaced Ivan on guitars while Nikolai Kuzmenko (ex-Exarch) took over bass to replaced the short lived Denis Popov, a role soon after replaced by Mikhail Nemirovskiy in 2005. It seems the drums and guitars roles would also in flux during the next decade with Alexander Vlasov taking up drums in 2006 but gone by 2008 for Vyacheslav Stosenko (drums), while a guitar spot was consumed by Vladimir Budnik (guitars) in 2011 and again by Pavel Zhdanovich in 2017 after Budnik died. With the membership more or less finally settled, they could get down to business with a set of releases Flames of Sunset (2006), Invisible Tension (2011), Abe, Pok! (2013), Hail to Rock (2014), The Illustrated Man (2015), Upside Down EP (2015), Wild Beast Show (2016) and Small Toy Soldier EP (2018). Read Less... ⏫
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