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Weeping TwilightBIOGRAPHYWeeping Twilight (1997-present): a Doom Metal band from Minsk, Belarus. S omewhere at the beginning of 1997 two exalted (or insane?) persons were seized by the idea in that a heavy metal band should be formed! And after two more joined the next year, Twilight (as they were originally called) started by featuring Yegor "Chel" (guitar), Denis Golin (guitar/vocal), Alexander (bass) and Andrey "Koonya" (vocals). Their first serious effort was to compose music for Yanka Kupala's poem Kurgan ("Barrow") and with the settled membership of Andrey Kunitsa (vocals), Galina Kotova (vocals), Helena Simalatsar (vocals/piano), Anna Pushina (violin), Vitaly Abramovich (guitars), Denis Golin (guitars/keyboards), Alexander Glyakov (bass/vocals/keyboards/programming) and Eugene Plesheveich (drums) they released the demo Twilight finally in 2001 after they changed their name to the present Weeping Twilight. The line-up was reduced to just Alexander Glyakov (bass/vocals), Tatyana Tsvirko (keyboards), Mikhail Vasilkov (drums), Vitaly Abramovich (guitars) and Denis Golin (vocals), however, for their 2002 release demo of Far From The Assembly Of Gods. Parastki pamiaci na ruinach byloha came in 2009.
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