Technological Changes Part 2
Two new features have been added to the site: A button to allow you to print the artist biography you are looking at, as well as a button to allow you to make a link to an artist page.Due to a database IDE malfunction we have been forced to update the IDE sooner than planned and had to rig up a system to get the IDE to work... it now works. In unrelated event the Computer BIOS chip was updated today in preparation for the expected total system OS upgrade later this summer. This total system upgrade will, if working, replace several old computers and amalgamate their work into one centralized larger one. More tech news... Loads of upgraded software has been installed into the system, including a new mail management program, new word processing and accounting software and soon we will upgrade the SQL database development system. In the near future, Disk units C,D & E as well as the RAID software and RAID disk unit will need to be replaced as the units currently installed are now 8 years old - well past their 'best by' date!! If the main system is to keep running for another several years (this is the plan as the upgrades are cheaper than getting a whole new system) we need to replace these before they fail. Also, some of these need to be upgraded because we simply need more storage space and newer software for an eventual operating system update as well. Add to this, a Virtual Machine (a type of emulation software) will be installed so that future upgrades can be done quicker - allowing us to test the systems in an environment that will isolate changes from the main computer in the event they do not work - right now we are systematically upgrading on a live and working system, so we need to go with caution. The next phase is planned to begin in approx. 2 months, the website will continue to function but database updates may be slower than expected. |