The Diskery On-Line Archives and Museum has released their long awaited App Development platform.Founder/President Derek McDonald announced at 1:30PM today the Diskery ( ( programmers have completed lab testing of the long promised platform to allow software and device developers to link their inventions directly to the Diskery's rock music biographies and discography databases. Up until today, this was impossible, meaning the website was the only portal available. This limited outside developers who wanted their own branding or features out in the cold. For over a year and a half the environment was promised and it was finally now delivered, making Diskery one of the first - and few - music archive sites to do so. Investors have been also waiting.
Although the development platform is in its Beta test stage at the moment, it is expected to widen the access to Diskery and its contents while providing more freedom and profit to development entrepreneurs.
Is there a cost? Yes. But Diskery has suspended those costs during the Beta test period. Furthermore, any developer who is running tests on their devices using the Diskery database will never pay as fee during their test stages as long as they use pre-defined allowed URLs. "When costs do incur, we will strive to make them as minimal and as generous as possible. Such costs are incurred by us for high capacity users so we pass them on," replied Diskery founder/president Derek McDonald.
The "platform" is simply (for now) a special program stored at the Diskery URL devices access via a pre-set way to extract XML formatted data from Diskery's vast database. The program is accompanied by a user manual stored on the Diskery site. It is expected to improve with time and use.
You can find out more by reading that manual here.
Developers who wish to participate can sign up via a simple e-mail directly to Diskery at their site or via their LinkedIn and Facebook pages.
The platform is expected to become available as early as this weekend.