August 1, 2014: Welcome to the new Diskery... "Diskery 2.0"! A LOT of time and effort went into the new design. Now using updated versions of HTML & CSS, not to mention new database software/programming with several new articles/entries.
Feel free to browse around. Please remember, we have not finished the site yet. What you see is the main/base components and more is to come so forgive us if features are not running or complete... YET! We have also spent a considerable amount of time updating the entries in the database but since (currently) there are over 1500 of them, it will take much more time! We still have a lot of work to do! During the conversion of the old database to the new, errors arose in editing and text, add to that the fact that the site was down for an entire year means that many entries are out of date or to-be added. We also plan to expand/improve the Links, Genres and Help databases and pages as well. Please be patient as we cure these growing pains. As a point of reference you can check out: Iron Maiden, Dimmu Borgir, Deathstars, Dragonforce, Penetrator, AC/DC, Enslaved, Slayer, Metallica, Teratism, KISS, Guns N' Roses, Rush, Anvil, Infernal Majesty, Dark Funeral, Black Sabbath, Led Zeppelin, Ozzy Osbourne (as well as many others) to see what the completed page looks like thus far.
The database is very Heavy Metal genre centric today, and although we plan to maintain this love of that genre and it will be prominently represented, we are expanding into other genres of rock music as well, so please be patient and do not be afraid to suggest new bands in all genres of rock music.
Access to this site is 100% free to you the visitor. It is impossible to see everything in one sitting so please visit as often as you like.
This is one of the oldest music sites on the internet, to learn about our history see the Diskery History section in our Help FAQ section.
Our new Diskery design is responsive to adapt to the size of your device screen (mobile devices), is faster, has a larger database, new sleek modern look emphasizing the simplicity - much in the style of Google.
A whole new help system is available, please consult this if you need help.
New e-mail addresses.
Now you can search automatically on GEMM, YouTube and Ticketmaster for your favorite artist's CDs, videos and concert tickets respectively.
Nonetheless, sit back, relax and enjoy the new Diskery. If you find errors or can think of features and improvements, please do not hesitate to contact us.
The "official" press release: AN OLD ACT REFORMS: THE RETURN OF DISKERY!
For over 15 years under the leadership first of the RRCA (Rock Record Collectors Association) and then as a division of Emperor Multimedia Corp., and under the stewardship (both times) of Oakville, Ontario's Derek McDonald promoted, sold and archived big name and indie rock bands alike until its demise in December of 2012. But one of the oldest music related websites on the internet is poised to return to a computer near you!
McDonald gathered up the remaining resources, updated them with new looks, new features and new technologies to start fresh, and this August 1st, 2014 the general public will once again have the opportunity to enjoy the vast archives of Diskery. No longer selling music, Diskery remains as a "Museum and Archive" free of charge to artists and the public alike, the revenues strictly coming from advertising, side projects (both music and non-music related) and promotion. The term "Museum and Archives" McDonald explains, "it represents the past and future combined. On the site you will see biographies of artists from the past, but we are progressive in 'archiving' the up-and-coming acts of today; a continuous and unbroken line."
The new Diskery (dubbed "Diskery v2.0") is a compilation of articles, photos and biographies explaining the careers of more than 1,500 acts (at present count) and growing at exponential speed. Unlike other encyclopedic or archive sites, Diskery is dedicated to just music; rock music specifically. Traditionally dealing with hard rock and metal acts (which constitute most of the present database) but the mandate has expanded and in the near future a visitor can expect to see more acts archived from the 50's & 60's right up to modern pop music staples, although heavy metal and hard rock will always be a front and center feature.
A bonus feature is the new Diskery system is mobile, using new technologies that make the site work better on mobile devices than the old ever did. Have the latest browser, though. CSS3 & HTML5 are fully implemented.
The new Diskery site offers the visitor an all-in-one music experience. The database automatically links to an artist biography with connections that allow you to view the membership (past and present), link to buy tickets, see band photos, links to Youtube (and other video sites) to watch videos and hear audio all in a simple, user friendly interface based on simplicity and efficiency. A note to folks re-visiting from the past, the "Special Projects" section looks exactly the way the old system did a year and a half ago as they chose (for the present) to leave it as-is. Not all articles have been updated, nor are all features on-line yet, but they are coming and the public, as well as artists, are welcome to donate material to the project. But do not fear, currently there is enough to keep even the savvy rock fan interested.
Check out Diskery at: after Aug. 1!