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Navigating the WebsiteUsing Mobile Devices![]() This website is adaptive to the size of the user's screen, most especially on mobile devices and uses a data compaction and correction system to speed up processing and transmission. Best results are obtained with screens 640 pixels or higher in resolution. This size is most commonly associated with large tablets, laptops, desktops and televisions. If you are using devices with screens smaller than this, the web page general appearance will remain the same, however, the website will adapt to fit, this often means images and icons will appear in different places or the text font style and size may change; you may occasionally have to shift the screen left or right to see all of its parts. If you rotate your screen's orientation, the website will reconfigure itself to your new screen size; if you are watching a video or audio, however, the video or audio may restart. It is important to note that to see the website properly you need to use your device's browser as opposed to the 'Internet Viewer' application, since the viewer does not have the complete capabilities to run the site as intended. All of this only applies to Diskery itself, linking to websites from Diskery may render different results at those sites. Record #: 46 Related Subjects:
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