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Using the Search Prompt

Icon of a Question Mark in a blue circle

Random Artist Button:

If you select the "RANDOM ARTIST" button then you need not select any other option or fill out the search prompt, a random artist by ID number will be chosen for you and you will be taken directly to that artist's page.

Typing into the search box:

  • Although Diskery can display accented characters, use only Roman/English lettering (the basic 26 letter alphabet and numbers) with no accents; Diskery does not recognize accent marks and extended characters (it transliterates them into standard English/ASCII characters).
  • In the case of punctuation, it will allow such text only if it is a part of the band's name (such as use of the single quote mark ('), and the period/dot (.). Although ampersand (&) is permitted it is not used in band names to avoid software incompatibilities that occur with certain search patterns, so 'and' is used instead. The 'Wildcard' characters ( !, ? and * ) mentioned earlier are reserved for that purpose and cannot be used directly as a part of a name. The word 'ALL' is also reserved.
  • It also will restrict (deliberately censor) certain words for purposes of securing the database against rogue programmers or robotic programs. The system will not tell you if it does not recognize certain characters or words and simply responds that it did not find what you were looking for.
When entering national names the Database will list bands under one type, so 'England' and 'UK' will be 'UK', as will 'USA', will be used instead of 'United States' and 'United States of America'.

When Presented a List...

Some searches will present many entries in the database and in this situation you are presented with an alphabetically sorted list. Click on the highlighted name to look at its biography. Hovering, or clicking, your finger/mouse over the country will expand a tooltip to show the full city & state information, and hovering/clicking on the date will display if the act is active or not (the dates are also color coded - Green for active; Red for not active).


  • The short form for nation names is currently being implemented into the database as entries are discovered and may not work correct until that time. If searching for nations where abbreviations are used, best to check all combinations of that name.
  • The RRCA ID option has been phased out as a apart of an older database routine.

Record #: 21

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