In short - Getting your band listed is as easy as contacting us and asking to be added. But this article gives you the full user manual on the subject.
Diskery is one of the oldest and largest rock music databases on the Internet. Unlike many other sites who allow the general public to edit documents in an effort to save time and rapidly expand the site database at the expense of accuracy, Diskery prefers to vet all articles up front. We have become a widely respected and popular venue for artists to record their legacy. We may discover your act on our own efforts, but to ensure you get entered you might consider sending us your information.
Listing your act is FREE!!
What Must You Supply Us:
- Your band name
- The band membership (who performs in your band and what instrument they play)
- Ex-Band membership
- The band discography (what recordings you have published, their format and year of publication)
- The year and place you started
- What artists influenced your act or that you influenced or performed with.
- Return address and e-mail contacts.
You can provide this as a simple text document, PDF, or E-Mail written like a historical document or in point form - no need to stand on ceremony here - no need to be an award winning author. Please do not embellish it (it must be as accurate and truthful as you can). If there is information you do not remember do not worry, just make sure what you send is correct.
You may send us pictures, videos and audio (in MP3 format - minimum 128Kps). We strongly recommend it as it gives our writers a better idea of your band's style/sound! But be aware that by doing so you are automatically granting us license to display it at our website! Alternatively you can send us links to your material as long as they are direct links and not a link to someone else's website. (You can provide a band web link separately).
YES: Your agent can send it on your behalf
YES: You (the band) can send it directly
YES: Your record label can send the material
YES: Your lawyer can send the material
MAYBE: Your studio or producer can send if they have a letter from one of the above - we want to deal with only those with legal direct authority
NO: Collectives or unions
NO: Distribution companies
NO: Radio stations
NO: Retailers
NO: Media organizations
NO: Your mother cannot send it
Please DO NOT:
Although it may be 'fun' and a part of your band's nationality or image to send us your information in your native language or even some form of ancient runic - don't! At Diskery we speak English only, the fact that you may be reading this text in another language is because your computer is translating it for you; it was written in English. Unless you get very lucky and someone here can actually read your text, you will be disqualified if you do not send your information in English.
Also do not send anything postage due.
Do not send any attachments or links unless they are to a bonified HTML, PDF, MP3, TXT, JPG, PNG, GIF unless you ask permission first - this is done for security reasons. All attachments and links are first scanned via security software. Your e-mail address is also verified.
Optional:It is not required to send physical copies of recordings, digital (MP3) will do. We won't say 'no' if you do but it is not asked for; we simply do not have space to store them anymore.
Please also note:
- Sending this data does not guarantee you will be entered into the archives.
- Our editor(s) will most likely edit your information/text to fit our database layout, wording and structure standards.
- Once re-written the text becomes property of Diskery, so only send us what you are willing to share.
- You maintain ownership of your images and music but you have granted us a license to use it for purposes of display at this website.
To qualify for entry, you must:
- Have at least one (1) recording that was released and sold to the general public. The recording does not have to involve a record label or mass distribution but must have been available outside of your jurisdiction (sold outside of your state/province/country) and be greater than a demo (EP or Album preferred) in a quantity 500 or greater.
- Your music must be a form of rock music. We do not take any other genre other than rock and its sub-genres (punk, metal, grunge, etc...) we do not archive pop bands, except in rare occasions.
- Your music must be original material - We do not take cover bands. If your album contains some cover songs, at least 75% of the album must be original.
Getting added, however, is not a sure thing:
- Our editors reserve the right to exclude anyone for any reason.
- Our editors may contact you and ask further questions or conduct separate research on your act to make the article as accurate and full as possible, and/or to verify the truthfulness of your claims (best to offer proof up-front).
- Any material that is deemed as promoting sales (advertising) will be edited out or disqualified.
- Any material that contains profanity will be edited out or disqualified.
- Any material that contains hate speech, racial comments, pornography (especially child pornography), inciting violence, political unrest, overt nationalism, religion and other similar controversial matters will be disqualified. In extreme cases it may involve our editor(s) contacting authorities.
- If you have been previously 'black listed' from Emperor Multimedia/Diskery/RRCA... YOU STILL ARE - YES! We hold grudges.
Go to the section on
Contacting Us to start your Diskery entry.
Record #: 8