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TormentorBIOGRAPHYTormentor (1985-1991, 1999-2002, 2017-present): a Black Metal band from Budapest, Hungary. A rrived in the beginning of 1987 Tormentor has from the very beginning played old-school black metal influenced by such bands as Bathory, Venom, Possessed, Motorhead, Celtic Frost and Destruction (Germany). Some have linked some parts of their music to Hungarian folk music. In fact, this band is Hungarian, a fact that emphasizes their uniqueness. In Tormentor's music you could hear everything from raw and intense parts, both primitive and technical, to the more atmospheric type of themes with synthesizer and mid-paced tempo. Tormentor maybe one of the first black metal bands to compose atmospheric songs with the use of synthesizer for few at the time produced that style. The band completed two demos, The 7th Day of Doom and Anno Domini (1988 both). The debut suffered from bad production and was heavily bootlegged. The plan was to have it officially and professionally done through 'Nocturnal Art Productions', but the bootleg releases had most likely stifled this plan. As for Anno Domini, it was also recorded as an album. The band was offered a deal for it on Euronymous' cult label 'Deathlike Silence Productions', but due to difficulties, it was delayed. Tormentor's vocalist Attila Csihar, was later asked to do the vocals on Mayhem's then long awaited De Mysteriis Dom Sathanas album. During Attila's stay in Norway, the issues between the band and label were sorted out and the album was prepped for release, but Euronymous was subsequently murdered, and the whole thing fell apart. 'Osmose Productions' from France then wanted to take over the contract, but again something failed. So it all fell to 'Nocturnal Art Productions' who had somehow gotten a copy of the original DAT master to Anno Domini and secured the rights for the recording and subsequently released it on both CD and limited edition LP (500 copies with poster). It would also to be released as a limited picture disc version by the American label The Ajna Offensive. But after all of this difficulty, the act spilt-up in 1991, but talks of reformation would bare fruit in 2000 when Recipe Ferrum was released on 'Avant-garde Music' under the membership of Paprikajancsiharcsa Drattula (vocals/guitars (rhythm) (track 15)), Mugambi Zoldun Bwana (guitars), Kelempájsz Zénó Galóca (bass) and Machat St. Zsoltár Motolla (drums/keyboards/vocals/percussion). The 7th Day of Doom (2002; re-release on 'Holocaust Records') featured the membership of Szigeti Attila (guitar), Attila Csihar (a.k.a. Atilla; ex-(Aborym, Limbonic Art, Mayhem, Anaal Nathrakh, Finnugor, Keep Of Kalessin, Son O, Korong, Plasma Pool, Sear Bliss); vocals), Frakas György (bass) and Von Machat Zsolt (drums). The band split again only to reform in 2017 under the membership of Attila Szigeti (guitars), György Farkas (bass), Attila Csihar (vocals) and Machat St. Zsoltar (drums). They would follow-up their reformation with the release of Anno Daemoni: Hungarian Black Metal Night (2019) and Covid WitchFuck Tatabánya (2020); both live efforts.
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